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Who are we?

We are a independent Integrated Multi Trophic Aqua Farm (IMTA) within Portland Harbour. IMTA is the farming in proximity of species from different trophic levels with complementary ecosystem functions in a way that allows the waste, nutrients and by-products of one species to be recaptured and converted into food and energy for another crop, taking advantage of the synergistic interactions among species while bio-mitigation takes place. Think of it as a natural recycling system!
Climate change and the consumption of natural resources by humans faster than our planet can renew them mean we need to rethink how we are going to ensure food security into the future. We believe that part of this solution is regenerative agriculture, IMTA, supported by low carbon, sustainably grown food in our oceans.
Our voyage has just begun, if you would like us to stay in touch as we plot a course for the future, subscribe below.
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